Have you ever walked into a house and seen a repair or a situation that you had no idea how to fix or what the cost would be? Or are you brand new and thinking, “Where do I even start with a rehab?”
How do I know what the cost of a repair is going to be?
Most of us are not contractors. Luckily for you, our next speaker has worked on over 1000 rehabs and will show you how to estimate repairs accurately every time! Most of the time in under 10 minutes.
-Did I budget enough for repairs in my offer?
-Am I making the right repairs?
-How do I find my contractors?
-What repairs command the highest return?
Matt Hedstrom is going to answer all of these questions and more as he has worked as a general contractor and rehabber for over 20 years in Wisconsin.
Matt may not be from our market, but he has tested and used his numbers across the US, including the St. Louis market.
If you are interested in learning more about Rehab Estimator Pro or what Matt Hedstrom was offering feel free to reach out to him at [email protected] or visit his website at https://www.reiestimatorpro.com/