Name | Phone.Number | Have / Want |
Phillip Vincent | 314-537-7445 | Looking for properties in good school districts, so he can build something |
Maggie | 314-333-3352 | Has properties to wholesale, couple in city, couple with tenants; email: [email protected] |
David Randolph | 636-248-5834 | Looking for framing crew in south city |
Brad Locke | 314-398-6900 | Looking for rehabs in st charles county, lincoln or warren county; looking for good contractors |
Sandra Holtmeyer | 636-856-3358 | looking for rentals or rehabs in st charles and mid and west st louis county |
Merle S | 314-422-8040 | looking for fixer upper rehab, loves st charles county, but wants good school district |
Ryan Mica | 636-946-6133 | Lindenwood Insurance Agency, can do builders risk, general liability |
Ryan or Corey of Graphic Connections Group | Use the link to get a 10% discount | If you are interested in direct mail marketing use the following FasterHouse link to get a 10% discount – OR call Ryan at 636-519-8320 or email [email protected] |
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