
$40 Million in Rentals with NONE of Our Own Money

Sam Primm and Lucas Walls have been able to buy over $40 Million in real estate without using any of their own money. It felt crazy even writing that sentence!

They have been able to start a side hustle of real estate investing and turn that into financial freedom and multiple successful businesses.

Along their crazy journey they have figured out a lot of shortcuts and screwed up more times than they can count.

Through all that they have over 260 rental doors, flipped/ wholesaled close to 1000 houses and have one of the top real estate investing education companies around…

That is pretty cool, but what is even cooler is their presentation is not about them. Their presentation is about YOU and how you can learn from their journey to help you achieve your goals.

Whether you want to buy your first rental property this year or are looking to scale a massive real estate investing company you do NOT want to miss this months presentation.

They are going to give you the foundational concepts to start on your own real estate journey and give you some key markers to look for to ensure you will be able to achieve your goals, no matter how big or small.